Thursday, September 18, 2008

thinking about a translation project

it's true, much of what we talk about in fusion presses the edge of the intellectual envelope. it's one of the special qualities of the winds, and something i work very hard to preserve and advance through my own contributions.

but sometimes, i can't help but wonder what "normal" people are thinking...

i mean, for regular 9-to-5 folks, some of the stuff we talk about in fusion must just seem like gobble.d.gook.

which, of course, is why we try and personalize things with stories and illustrations etc.

but still, half the time i'm sure only about half our people are getting only about half of what we're saying 50% right.

which concerns me.

so i've begun to think about a translation project.

i wonder what it would look like to take the central spiritual message of westwinds and explain it completely in layman's terms.

i wonder what it would look like to translate the top shelf theology we frequently spin and re-parse it into the language of seinfeld, grey's anatomy, and heroes.

because my belief is so strong in the fact that spiritual understanding brings profound personal transformation, i wonder what it would be like to take one evening and start small...working our way towards something large.


that's a possibility i'm giving a lot of thought lately.

it's a kind of neo-evangelism, i think. not a crusade, but a conversation; not a revival meeting, but a rennovation and a repair; not self-help, but self-location...

anyway, more later...

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